When life were hard, people always try to find someone to blame, for 1900s Garmen is Jew, for 1980s white people is black guys. But the truth is there's no one you could blame. Good or bad, things just happened. The true question is what you have done to make it better.
用拍爱情的方式拍摄城市肌理公园绿地是砖瓦高楼间的一块小小野趣奇迹——对应逃学逃离日常的巧遇;在公车咖啡店站台街道餐厅人们匆匆闯入你的生活——对应取景框;又匆匆离开留下一些不知如何处理的照片——对应回忆证实着曾经的存在(原来拍照是我们企图铭记爱情的仪式)爱始于偶然性而人潮总是在流动在相遇中道别环环衔接校园春色小说网因此维护一种坚固秩序是如此徒劳但又同样真挚从前的人们用更多的时间等待巴黎流动的盛宴Paris m'a séduit. Paris m'a conquis. Paris m’a trahis.